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utility-enabled building benchmarking

grid-interactive efficient buildings

Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings: Scalable Approaches Depend on Utility Engagement

Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings: Scalable Approaches Depend On Utility Data and Engagement This blog post was originally published on  Back in 2001, research sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency uncovered a startling figure: respondents of the human activity pattern survey reported spending on average 87% of their day in enclosed buildings. Two decades later, that number is undoubtedly higher – elevated further with Coronavirus safety measures. Long story short: We spend a lot… Read More »Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings: Scalable Approaches Depend on Utility Engagement

Marketing Matters: Utility Building Benchmarking and the Power of Outreach

Marketing Matters: Utility Building Benchmarking and the Power of Outreach Over the years, I’ve learned a lot about why and where utility programs either succeed or fail. As a long-time Utility Program Manager, I observed that good data is essential. Are programs built on a solid foundation of organized, readily available data? What is the data telling us to improve or revise? But there’s a whole other dimension to my… Read More »Marketing Matters: Utility Building Benchmarking and the Power of Outreach

In Utility-Led Building Benchmarking, Think User-First, Not Customer-First

In Utility-Led Building Benchmarking, Think User-First, Not Customer-First. In Product Management, I generally prefer to follow best practices and the market. That said, I’m going to argue for something unconventional – I’m going to make the case for NOT taking a customer-first approach building benchmarking program design. The context for this approach is important: it’s all about creating successful utility-led building benchmarking programs AND getting whole building data into the… Read More »In Utility-Led Building Benchmarking, Think User-First, Not Customer-First