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In Utility-Led Building Benchmarking, Think User-First, Not Customer-First

In Utility-Led Building Benchmarking, Think User-First, Not Customer-First. In Product Management, I generally prefer to follow best practices and the market. That said, I’m going to argue for something unconventional – I’m going to make the case for NOT taking a customer-first approach building benchmarking program design. The context for this approach is important: it’s all about creating successful utility-led building benchmarking programs AND getting whole building data into the… Read More »In Utility-Led Building Benchmarking, Think User-First, Not Customer-First

What’s Your Baseline? Benchmarking and the Advent of Building Performance Standards

What’s Your Baseline? Benchmarking and the Advent of Building Performance Standards (BEPS) If you’re in the utility world, or the energy policy world, or the building management world (or, or, OR), you know about building benchmarking. Typically when required, owners measure and submit their building’s energy consumption for comparison and analyses, most often by the EPA. For a while, these policies proliferated across the nation, providing low-cost, low-risk resource conservation… Read More »What’s Your Baseline? Benchmarking and the Advent of Building Performance Standards

Want to Make the Most of AMI Data Today? Look to Whole Building Benchmarking.

Want to make the most of AMI data today? Look to whole building benchmarking. When AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) entered the scene in 2009, it provided a textbook innovation, making an existing process better. We needed the change – traditional metering relies heavily on manual monitoring and mechanical devices, while AMI enables granular customer data to be transmitted with incredible frequency. As the industry has evolved, AMI (and AMI data)… Read More »Want to Make the Most of AMI Data Today? Look to Whole Building Benchmarking.

Think Whole Building Benchmarking is all About Compliance? Think Again.

Think whole building benchmarking is all about compliance? Think again. If we asked the question “why does whole building benchmarking data matter?” to a panel of building owners, utilities, policy makers, energy consultants, retrofit experts, researchers, government entities and others, a common thread in the answers might be: measuring building energy performance and making changes are the first steps in reducing carbon emissions. Though motivations depend on where you sit… Read More »Think Whole Building Benchmarking is all About Compliance? Think Again.