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energy efficiency

Energy Equity

Extending DEI to Energy Equity and Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Extending DEI to Energy Equity and Energy Efficiency in Buildings Part One Energy Efficiency is Key to Energy Equity BIPOC1, low-income and other marginalized groups are disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change.2 Additionally, these groups are more likely to suffer from energy insecurity and burden – spending more of their income on energy and/or struggling with access entirely.3 Numerous organizations across the nation and the globe are calling attention to… Read More »Extending DEI to Energy Equity and Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Janis Machala Joins Calico Energy Board of Directors

Janis Machala Joins Calico Energy Board of Directors Calico Energy’s CEO, Colleen Morris, is proud to announce Janis Machala has joined Calico’s board of directors.   Janis brings decades of experience as a corporate director, CEO, business executive, and executive coach with her. As a board member, industry and community leader and innovator, Janis has deep experience in the technology, energy services and B2B software and services sectors. With her diverse industry background, Janis brings strategic and market development excellence that drives systems thinking and innovation for enhanced shareholder value. She brings… Read More »Janis Machala Joins Calico Energy Board of Directors

Kevin Klustner Joins Calico Energy Board of Directors

Kevin Klustner Joins Calico Energy Board of Directors Calico Energy CEO, Colleen Morris, is delighted to announce Kevin Klustner has joined Calico’s board of directors. “Kevin brings a wealth of executive operational experience to Calico’s board, and his understanding of the energy and building sectors will be an essential asset as we grow the business.” notes Morris.   With over thirty years working in product development and clean tech, Kevin’s unique experience will support Calico’s overall vision and strategy.… Read More »Kevin Klustner Joins Calico Energy Board of Directors

Carbon Emissions Are Rising, but Whole Building Utility Data Can Help

Carbon Emissions Are Rising, but Whole Building Utility Data Can Help

Carbon Emissions are Rising, but Whole Building Utility Data Can Help This blog post was originally published on  Approximately 395 GtCO2. According to late 2019 estimates from the IPCC and CONSTRAIN project, 395 GtCO2 is our total remaining carbon budget for a 50% chance to limit warming to 1.5°C. The risks associated with climbing above 2°C are alarming, and we’re not doing enough to reduce consumption. Take buildings: with the immense markets surrounding energy efficiency and… Read More »Carbon Emissions Are Rising, but Whole Building Utility Data Can Help

grid-interactive efficient buildings

Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings: Scalable Approaches Depend on Utility Engagement

Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings: Scalable Approaches Depend On Utility Data and Engagement This blog post was originally published on  Back in 2001, research sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency uncovered a startling figure: respondents of the human activity pattern survey reported spending on average 87% of their day in enclosed buildings. Two decades later, that number is undoubtedly higher – elevated further with Coronavirus safety measures. Long story short: We spend a lot… Read More »Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings: Scalable Approaches Depend on Utility Engagement