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IMT and Calico Energy

Building Baselines: Julia Eagles

Building Baselines: Julia Eagles Julia Eagles, IMT’s Associate Director of Utility and Regulatory Strategy Julia is an experienced energy, sustainability, and climate professional with over 16 years of experience spanning the public, private, and non-profit sectors. Her work has encompassed policy analysis, regulatory strategy, carbon reduction initiatives, stakeholder outreach, and project management. She is skilled in both writing and public speaking, adept at tailoring communications for diverse audiences, and creating… Read More »Building Baselines: Julia Eagles

Building Baselines: Andy Winslow

Building Baselines: Andy Winslow Andy Winslow, Senior Associate of Community Solutions at NEEP Andy Winslow earned a degree in environmental science and policy from Clark University in Worcester, MA. Drawn to Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnership’s (NEEP) blend of technology and policy, he began his career by leading a HeatSmart campaign in Arlington, MA, where he gained expertise in air-source and ground-source heat pumps and public communication. After connecting with NEEP,… Read More »Building Baselines: Andy Winslow