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Setting the Table for Decarbonization: Key Insights

About the Report

The NEEP report, “Decarbonizing Buildings: How States Can Set the Table for Success,” provides a roadmap for reducing carbon emissions in the building sector. It outlines strategies focusing on energy equity, workforce investments, carbon reduction, codes and standards, and utility planning. The report highlights the importance of aligning policies across state and local levels and emphasizes data’s critical role in driving effective decarbonization efforts. By addressing these elements, the report aims to create a cohesive approach to reducing emissions and achieving climate goals. 

Why This Report Matters

Buildings are significant contributors to carbon emissions, making decarbonization essential. Substantial progress requires a clear, coordinated strategy with effective policies and reliable data. Without this, measuring progress, aligning efforts, and directing resources effectively is impossible. 

The report’s focus on coordination and data-driven decision-making addresses these challenges, ensuring decarbonization initiatives are effective and sustainable. It presents a comprehensive policy framework with four key areas, emphasizes equity, and serves as a valuable resource for policymakers and stakeholders. 

Top 3 Takeaways 

  • Coordinated State Policies: The report highlights successful models from California, Maryland, Massachusetts, Washington, D.C., and Washington State for building decarbonization. 
  • Comprehensive Policy Framework: It emphasizes key areas like equity and workforce investments, carbon reduction, codes and standards, and utility planning. 
  • Equity in Decarbonization: The report stresses the importance of addressing housing and workforce inequities, empowering marginalized communities, and ensuring a just energy transition. 


NEEP's Building Decarbonization diagram

NEEP’s four key policy areas from Decarbonizing Buildings: How States Can Set the Table for Success.  

Calico’s Perspective

Effective decarbonization relies on strong coordination between utilities and policymakers, especially when implementing Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS). Successful BEPS implementation requires shared understanding and seamless data exchange to ensure consistent standards and support programs. 

Calico’s experience with whole-building data management and energy efficiency programs underscores the importance of this coordination. By working closely with utilities and leveraging detailed data, we can enhance BEPS implementation, improve program outcomes, and drive meaningful progress toward decarbonization goals. 

The report’s emphasis on coordinated policy and data-driven strategies aligns with Calico’s approach. We are committed to supporting these efforts and ensuring our tools and expertise contribute to reducing carbon emissions in the building sector. 

The good news is that BEPS remain unaffected by the Berkeley decision. By focusing on overall performance rather than specific appliances, BEPS sidestep the preemption issues that led to the overturning of the gas ban. This means that states can continue to implement these standards without fear of similar legal challenges. 


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